How to Answer the Tough Interview Questions

Here are the top 10 job interview questions along with tips on how to answer them. For the free "Perfect Job Interview Answers" report, click here:

This video provides a great way for you to prepare for your upcoming interview. Jeff and Mike discuss each of the top 10 interview questions and provide valuable tips to answering them perfectly. By brushing up on common interview questions and answers beforehand you not only prepare yourself for how to answer you'll eliminate a lot of the nerves interviewees commonly have to deal with.

Here's a look at the questions covered in the video. (Although be sure to watch the video to the end! You can watch our fancy animation skills and get a gift at the end ;-)

1. tell me about yourself (Be work specific and recount a brief success story from a past work experience that highlights a couple of your strengths. Try and pick strengths that ate in line with exactly is called for in that position)

2. why should we hire you? (Be specific and highlight a strength that is perfectly in line with what the company or organization is specifically looking for)

3. what is your greatest strength (Be specific and tell a brief work related example of you exhibiting that strength. Again pick an example and a strength that is based on your knowledge of what they're looking for)

4. what is your greatest weakness? (specific steps taken to handle them. Avoid mentioning any weakness that could affect the specific job opening)

5. Why do you want to work here? (Be specific and mention aspects of the company or organization that you admire and show how your strengths and abilities make you a perfect fit)

6. why did you leave your last job? (If it was because you left voluntarily then reference a specific characteristic that the company you are interviewing for has that you are attracted to. one that your previous employer didnt have. If you were let go, be honest and explain the situation and own it. Explain what you learned from the experience, because the interviewer knows you're human, you make mistakes, and just wants to see that you were able to do something about it)

7. what is your greatest accomplishment? (be specific and talk about a past work accomplishment. Make sure you pick an accomplishment that shows how valuable you will be in the position you are interviewing for)

8. Describe a difficult work situation and what you did to overcome it... (Again the key is to be specific. Bring up a past work situation that you handled well. Try and pick an example that shows you tackling a problem that could arise at the new company you're interviewing for. This shows your value)

9. Where do you see yourself in 5 years? (Your answer should show that you are a person with direction and that you have goals. You should show that those goals include you advancing and thriving at the company or organization you're interviewing with. But don't over do it. If you are going for an entry-level job, don't say you plan to be CEO in 5 years. It will seem unrealistic and could take you out of the running...)

10. Do you have any questions for me? (This is your time to make an impression and show your knowledge and passion for the company or organization you are interviewing for.

If you want more help with these question get our new special report that explains our proven method to answering any interview question perfectly. This method allows you to zero in on exactly what the hiring manager is looking for and instantly transforms you into the perfect candidate. Click the link now:

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Each interview has at least one, a question that you really don’t know the best way to
answer.  It is the one that you agonize over for days and keep going over it and over it in
your head and you ask others how they would have answered.  There is no way to avoid
these types of questions but you can answer them with confidence to give yourself peace
of mind until you get a call back.

Do not feel that you have to answer immediately after you have been asked a question. 
You are not on a game show where the fastest contestant to answer wins.  Your
interviewers will appreciate that you have taken time to formulate your answer.  If you
are concerned by a prolonged silence – don’t be, it is normal.  If you have been asked a
question that you do not know exactly what to say, ask for a moment to think of an
appropriate answer.  This is preferable to taking a long time to answer without explaining
what you are doing.

If you really can’t think of an answer off of the top of your head, ask if you can come
back to the question in a moment – keep trying to think of an answer.  Don’t think that if
you get to the end of the interview and you haven’t answered the question that you are off
of the hook.  Even if your interviewer doesn’t ask again, it has not gone unnoticed that
you didn’t respond to a question.  The best case scenario is for you to bring the topic back
to the question and answer it accordingly.  Thank your interviewer for giving you the
extra time to come up with the right answer. 

If it is a lengthy question that is broken into parts, break it down into, don’t try and
answer it all at once – you can always ask for parts of the question to be repeated.

Ron Kish