tag:blogger.com,1999:blog-36441802528565261522016-08-17T19:18:04.558-05:00Jobs And ListingsGet hired with this proven ebook. Looking for a job? RON KISH[email protected]Blogger28125tag:blogger.com,1999:blog-3644180252856526152.post-83713080339130744412015-10-13T06:05:00.001-05:002016-07-05T12:27:07.319-05:00Get Hired <div dir="ltr" style="text-align: left;" trbidi="on"><div class="separator" style="clear: both; text-align: center;"><a href="http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-UIOp9luXllw/Vhzha8L3I1I/AAAAAAAABO8/xAe2OICzmDw/s1600/SSS.jpg" imageanchor="1" style="margin-left: 1em; margin-right: 1em;"><img border="0" height="320" src="https://3.bp.blogspot.com/-UIOp9luXllw/Vhzha8L3I1I/AAAAAAAABO8/xAe2OICzmDw/s320/SSS.jpg" width="269" /></a></div><br />Get hired with this proven eBook. Looking for a job? There is a million and one mistakes you can make when you go looking for a job in today's highly competitive market. We will show you the top ten (10) mistakes to avoid when you go looking for a new job. How to prepare for the interview, proven follow-up letters and crazy techniques that worked for others. How they landed their dream job. "92% of people who go out interviewing for a job today make the same mistake. This book will change that. Solid, practical advice is what this book is all about. Get this eBook now: Jobs And Listings will show you how to be the top candidate after every interview .... It is now $2.95 for a short time.<br />Get current job listings inside ebook each time you open it up.<br /><div style="background-color: white; border: medium none; color: black; overflow: hidden; text-align: left; text-decoration: none;">Download here:&nbsp;</div><div style="background-color: white; border: medium none; color: black; overflow: hidden; text-align: left; text-decoration: none;"><a href="https://www.etsy.com/listing/170844722/jobs-and-listings-are-you-looking-for-a?ref=shop_home_active_10" target="_blank">Jobs And Listings</a></div><div class="separator" style="clear: both; text-align: center;"><a href="http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-vib_ik-AHyc/VhzhBBjYlCI/AAAAAAAABO4/2d0rNBqdiTI/s1600/landing-page2%2Blast.png" imageanchor="1" style="margin-left: 1em; margin-right: 1em;"><img border="0" height="239" src="https://4.bp.blogspot.com/-vib_ik-AHyc/VhzhBBjYlCI/AAAAAAAABO4/2d0rNBqdiTI/s320/landing-page2%2Blast.png" width="320" /></a></div><span style="background-color: #f3f3f3;"><span style="background-color: #cccccc;"><span style="background-color: #f3f3f3;"></span></span></span><br /><div style="background-color: white; border: medium none; color: black; overflow: hidden; text-align: left; text-decoration: none;"><br /></div></div> <form action="https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr" method="post" target="_top"><input type="hidden" name="cmd" value="_s-xclick"><input type="hidden" name="hosted_button_id" value="L38S2M49M4Q9U"><input type="image" src="https://www.paypalobjects.com/en_US/i/btn/btn_buynowCC_LG.gif" border="0" name="submit" alt="PayPal - The safer, easier way to pay online!"><img alt="" border="0" src="https://www.paypalobjects.com/en_US/i/scr/pixel.gif" width="1" height="1"></form> RON KISHhttps://plus.google.com/113031616157869880725[email protected]0tag:blogger.com,1999:blog-3644180252856526152.post-15118484495032982652015-08-31T12:24:00.000-05:002015-08-31T12:24:18.690-05:00Working hard to be more promotable for success <div dir="ltr" style="text-align: left;" trbidi="on"><span style="font-size: large;">&nbsp; <br />Being successful is a great goal to have for anyone.&nbsp; We all want to have a good life and with that come happiness and success.&nbsp; Using all of our traits to become as successful as we can is something that we defiantly appreciate and be grateful for too. Make sure that if you are looking for more success you are working as hard as you can to get there. <br /><br />Being persistent is one trait that you need to have.&nbsp; You need to make sure that you are getting ahead in life and doing all that you can for both yourself and for others.&nbsp; Being successful and working hard is not going to mean anything if you are not happy.&nbsp; With a few traits, you can be as successful and happy as you want to be and it is going to be something that you can defiantly be proud of.&nbsp;&nbsp; <br /><br />Persistence is going to pay off for you when you use it right.&nbsp; You want to be serious in any type of work that you do whether it is for your personal life or a career.&nbsp; Working hard is a great trait to have and this will mean that you need to be good at what you do and make your dreams and goals come true as you go through life.&nbsp; There are so many programs out there that can help you get where you need to be as well as find happiness that you have been looking for. <br /><br />Being dependable is another good resource for you to have. You need to be sure that you are very reliable and dependable for anything that you do.&nbsp; If you are committing to something or a certain event you need to make sure that, you are there and that you do all that you need to so that you are putting yourself in the right path for success.&nbsp; Being promotable for success is something that you need to take seriously so that you are getting the most of life.&nbsp; <br /><br />Take challenges when you can. If you want to strengthen your skills and limit your weaknesses, having a challenge or two in your life is going to help you through it. You will be a stronger person and make difficult choices easier when you are able to handle a challenge with ease.&nbsp; Do not get worried and use your best intentions to make things easier for you as it goes.&nbsp;&nbsp; <br /><br />Take inventory of whom you are.&nbsp; Is there something else that you could do to make your life easier and more promotable?&nbsp; Do not let this opportunity pass you by.&nbsp; Allowing yourself the right to be more successful is going to help you cruise through life better. You will be able to enjoy things so much more and be free to make choices that you have not thought about before.&nbsp; It is going to be something creative and exciting at the same time.&nbsp; Figure out what you want the most and take the challenge.&nbsp; Get ready for new things and do not concentrate too much on anything that you cannot have.&nbsp; You need to be prepared because in the end this is what will help you succeed the most. <br /><br />Take chances and go after the impossible.&nbsp; If you are looking for something to <span style="font-size: large;">fulfill</span> your life, you should in fact make sure that you are trying to get what you know you can have.&nbsp; It may be hard but if you are determined to make something yours and to give yourself the confidence that you need to make it happen.&nbsp; Hard work is something that you should be proud of no matter what.&nbsp; Being a hard worker will surely pay off for you in the end and help you achieve the promotable success that you are craving in life.&nbsp;&nbsp; <br /><br /><br /></span></div>RON KISHhttps://plus.google.com/113031616157869880725[email protected]0tag:blogger.com,1999:blog-3644180252856526152.post-58281666214926414682015-08-28T17:43:00.002-05:002015-08-28T17:43:48.806-05:00What to Do Before You Start Job Hunting <div dir="ltr" style="text-align: left;" trbidi="on"><span style="font-size: large;"><br />Are you currently unemployed? If you are, there is a good chance that you may be looking for a new job.&nbsp; Even if you are not unemployed, you may still be interested in finding a new job, like one that gives you more pleasure or one that pays better.&nbsp; When it comes to finding a new job, you will end up embarking on a journey that is often referred to as job hunting.&nbsp; Although your first thought may to be start finding job listings right away, you are advised against doing so. There are actually a number of things that you will first want to do. <br /><br />Before you start job hunting, it is advised that you create a plan for yourself.&nbsp; For instance, do you know what type of job you would like to have?&nbsp; If you are unemployed and need a job to pay your bills or support your family, the type of job you want to have may not play as big of a role as it would if you were searching for a job better than the one that you currently have.&nbsp; Even if you are considered desperate, when it comes to finding a job, it is still advised that you take the time to consider what type of job you would like to have. When making your determination, it is important that you be realistic. For instance, if you only have a high school diploma, a job as a doctor or a teacher is<span style="font-size: large;"> not</span> doable, at least not without first furthering your education. <br />&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <br />It is also advised that you develop a plan for yourself, when it actually comes time to find a job.&nbsp; For instance, when looking for a job, you will want to be on the lookout for job listings.&nbsp; Job listings are often described as small write-ups, like a paragraph or two, that outline a position that applications are currently being accepted for. When it comes to finding job listings, you will see that you have a number of different options. For instance, job listings can be found online or in the employment section of most newspapers.&nbsp; Others learn about jobs through career <span style="font-size: large;">counselling</span> centers, word of mouth, and so forth. Developing a plan for yourself, one that outlines exactly how you can go about finding available job positions, is the best way to ensure that your job hunting time is wisely spent. <br /><br />If you decide to search for job listings by using your local newspaper, most of the job listings that you come across will likely be for local companies.&nbsp; If you choose to use the internet, you may be able to come across job listings that are for local opportunities, as well as long distance ones. Before you start searching for jobs, it is advised that you decide whether or not you would be willing to relocate to work.&nbsp; When it comes to relocating, there are some instances, where you may only be required to relocate a few states away and others where you may be required to relocate all the way across the country.&nbsp; Since relocation can actually play an important role in finding a job, it is important that you examine your ability to relocate or your desire to ahead of time. <br /><br />Once you have an idea as to what type of job you would like to have or whether or not you would be interested in relocating, you should have a better idea as to what type of job listings you should be on the lookout for. Still, before you start searching, you may want to think about creating a resume for yourself, if you haven’t ready done so.&nbsp; Many job listings will be seen by hundreds, if not thousands, of hopeful applicants, just like you.&nbsp; Having a resume all prepared and ready to go will allow you act fast and possibly beat out some of your competition.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <br /><br />Finding a new job is a process that may take time, but it is one that should<span style="font-size: large;"> not</span> cause you too much worry, time, or stress. By keeping the above mentioned points in mind, your job hunting journey will likely go off without a hitch.&nbsp; <br /></span></div>RON KISHhttps://plus.google.com/113031616157869880725[email protected]0tag:blogger.com,1999:blog-3644180252856526152.post-88370416272852592212015-06-27T12:40:00.003-05:002015-06-27T12:40:32.752-05:00How to Handle Difficult Coworkers <div dir="ltr" style="text-align: left;" trbidi="on"><span style="font-size: large;"><br />Do you love your job, but just not your coworkers?&nbsp; If this is how you can describe your feelings about your job, you may want to continue reading on.&nbsp; Unfortunately, when placed in a similar position, one that involves difficult or unruly coworkers, many individuals assume that their only option is to resign from their current position. Of course, it is more than possible for you to do so, but did you know that you do have other options? <br /><br />If you ever find yourself in a situation where you have complications, problems, or a conflict with a coworker of yours, there are a number of different steps that you can take. These steps, which are outlined below, can help you retain your job and your income, which you may rely on to support your family.&nbsp; If you have been looking for an easy way to deal with one or more difficult coworkers at your workplace, you will want to continue reading on. <br /><br />Before examining ways in which you can handle or deal with difficult coworkers, it is important to remember that circumstances should be taken into consideration.&nbsp; A small conflict may be one that you can handle on your own; however, more serious problems may call for more serious actions. With that in mind, one of the first things that you should do, when looking to deal with a difficult coworker, is speaking with them privately. <br /><br />When speaking with a coworker that you have a problem with, you will want to be careful.&nbsp; When this conversation takes place, should it ever, you will want to be as pleasant and as friendly as possible.&nbsp; Many individuals do not realize that even a slight attitude can make a problem with a coworker much worse.&nbsp; If you are frustrated with a coworker who can never seem to get a project completed on time, you may want to offer to help them create a schedule. If you have a problem with a perfume or cologne that a coworker may be wearing, you may first want to explain any health complications that you may be having due to the scent. <br /><br />As previously stated, it is important to remember that there extenuating circumstances that should be taken into consideration. For instance, if you feel that a coworker of yours is harassing you, in a sexual way or not, you may want to refrain from speaking to them.&nbsp; In certain situations like these, those who are unstable feed off of contact from you and others in your situation. To protect yourself from any harm, you may want to consider contacting your supervisor right away. <br /><br />Speaking of contacting your supervisor, if you have discussed your problems with a coworker personally and you have not seen any positive changes, you may want to consider brining your supervisor in on the issue. When doing this, you will want to use your best judgment.&nbsp; If you regularly find yourself performing the duties and tasks for your coworker or if they mishandled important company documents, you should approach your supervisor without any question.&nbsp; Smaller issues you may want to refrain from bringing your supervisor in on, as you may actually end up creating a bad impression of yourself. <br /><br />The above mentioned steps are just a few of the many steps that you can take if you are having conflict or problems with one of your coworkers.&nbsp; As a reminder, you are advised to use your best judgement when handling situations such as these. <br /><br /></span></div>RON KISHhttps://plus.google.com/113031616157869880725[email protected]0tag:blogger.com,1999:blog-3644180252856526152.post-17883192233193631192015-01-06T03:21:00.001-06:002015-01-06T03:21:51.478-06:00Creating a good atmosphere to be more promotable <span style="font-size: large;"><br />When it comes to creating a good atmosphere for being promotable, you will find that it is all about your personality. You will want to make sure that&nbsp; you keep yourself in check and that you keep your attitude very important. Your ability to create a good atmosphere relies entirely on the way that you learn to approach your work style and the way that you learn to approach your working life too.&nbsp; <br /><br />You will first want to consider when creating a good atmosphere how you can appeal to both the co-workers and the bosses or supervisors. You will find that there are some people at work that you just hate and it is all because they were trying too hard. Make sure that you try to get to know everyone, but you don't seem too desperate by going out of your way to get others to like you. Also, you will need to learn how to get over those who just don't seem to get you. You don't have to be friends with all your co-workers, because it is the competition that keeps the heart beating.&nbsp; <br /><br />Also, keep in mind that there are a lot of ways that you will be able to work on your relationship with your boss. You will want to learn to take the initiative to say good morning to the boss before the boss is able to say it. You will find that when you give others courtesy, you will be able to work on the relationship that you have with others. You will find that the atmosphere of the work place is very important and you need to have a strong relationship with your supervisor.&nbsp; <br /><br />You will also find that when it comes to creating a good atmosphere you have to learn how to control yourself. There are going to be times when things are going to get a little hot and you will also find that there are times where you feel you need to speak your mind. There is no way you can have a job and not come home a day or two and think that you just had to release some negative energy, however, it is the successful people who learn how to release their negativity through the ability to walk away. You don't want others to fear you, but you would like others to adore the way that you think and work as a team player.&nbsp; <br /><br />You will also find that there are a lot of other things that you can do for yourself and the co-workers so that you can keep your promotion chances strong. You need to learn how to get along with your co-workers and how you can work through your issues and show your leadership qualities. There are a lot of people who think that leadership starts with taking control, however, leadership starts with listening. If you really would like to take control of your work environment you will want to make sure that you do everything you can to help those around you in the office, however, that you learn to treat everyone with respect. <br /><br />You will want to make sure that you keep in mind that there are a lot of self-discipline issues and self-control issues that you will have to deal with yourself before you try to make the environment at work positive and you start opening your mouth up with your co-workers. Keep in mind when put in a new situation; it's always easy to say little. You will then be able to focus on making the right first impression without causing immediate conflict and hurting your chances of an early promotion.</span>RON KISHhttps://plus.google.com/113031616157869880725[email protected]0tag:blogger.com,1999:blog-3644180252856526152.post-82897894868197309132014-12-25T10:19:00.000-06:002014-12-25T10:19:27.929-06:00Clearing your mind to be more promotable <span style="font-size: large;"><br />When you are looking to be more promotable, you need to find a way to clear your mind.&nbsp; Having a clear mind is something that is very important and will give you the ability to make your goals in life seems more approachable.&nbsp; Learning to clear your mind will give you the power to be more successful and goal oriented with everything that you do.&nbsp;&nbsp; <br /><br />There are a few things that you can do to clear your mind to be more promotable.&nbsp; You should choose a target for your focus point.&nbsp; You need to clear your mind by concentrating on something that is not going to be so impossible.&nbsp; When you are able to think freely and use your mind in a more productive way, you will be more promotable for many of the issues that you are dealing with in life.&nbsp;&nbsp; <br /><br />Think about something that makes you happy.&nbsp; If you are filling your mind and soul with happy thoughts, you are going to be better able to take in the enjoying parts of life.&nbsp; Think about the sights and smells that are pleasing to you.&nbsp; This will help you clear your mind better and get you focused on what is important in life now.&nbsp;&nbsp; <br /><br />When you are involved with stressful situations, you have to be able to think freely and be more creative with your relaxing techniques.&nbsp; Remember if you are too stressed out, you are only going to hurt yourself and you will not be as productive as you hoped for.&nbsp; The idea is to not think about what is bothering you so much. You need to let things go and be responsive with the issues that will help you to be more promotable. <br /><br />If you find that you are thinking too much about something, you should take a break.&nbsp; Find something that makes you happy and do it.&nbsp; If you have a hobby that you are interested in, you need to take some time out and do that for a while.&nbsp; Do something that is going to give you enjoyment and let you take some time out for yourself. This is going to be the best way to make issues a little easier on you gets you off to a good start by being more promotable. <br /><br />There are breathing and meditation techniques that you may just want to try first.&nbsp; You need to learn how to release the anxiety and tension that is found in the everyday normal duties of life.&nbsp; When you are able to let go and breath easier, you will find that work issues and even personal goals are more approachable and easier to reach.&nbsp; Give it your all and do not be afraid to let others know that you are taking some time out for yourself and that this is the only way to make it work for you. <br /><br />Do not create more stress for yourself by worrying about one thing too much.&nbsp; You need to revitalize your mind and clear your mind of the pressing issues that are hurting your inner being.&nbsp; Allowing time to yourself is going to be one way to figure out what your goals are in life and how to be more promotable with everything that you are trying to accomplish.&nbsp; It is going to be a great way to have pride in yourself and all that you are working so hard to achieve.&nbsp; <br /><br />Remember it is all about your attitude. You need to make sure that you have a positive attitude and one that is going to take you to new and higher places in life.&nbsp; If you are worried all the time, you are only going to be hurting yourself and giving yourself a negative outlook on life.&nbsp; Being open to new things and willing to change your negative attitude to a more positive one is going to be the key for a successful and healthy relationship.</span>RON KISHhttps://plus.google.com/113031616157869880725[email protected]0tag:blogger.com,1999:blog-3644180252856526152.post-25841255272908630362014-12-20T13:40:00.000-06:002014-12-20T13:40:00.193-06:00Being Resourceful when being more promotable <span style="font-size: large;"><br />You will find that there is a lot to gain when you put yourself in the position of being quality for a promotion. You will know that not only will you think that you are getting more done, but the company will see you as being more resourceful and then you will be more likely to get that promotion and continue to get those promotions. Make sure that you take inconsideration the way that you appear to the company and the way that you appear to others. Keep in mind that when you make yourself resourceful you will be more likely to be promotable.&nbsp; <br />The first tip on how to be more resourceful is to learn how to put in time. You will need to make sure that you are available 24/7. This may be harder for some people who have a family, however, you will find that the minute that you make yourself so available you are going to put more hours in at work and you may get paid more (depending if you are hourly or salary) and you'll also get the respect from the higher managers. It is very important that you learn how to put in the time at work.&nbsp; <br />Secondly you need to be working and continuously working. Even if it is a slow day, you are going to have to force yourself into being better. You will need to go around asking people for help; doing anything to stay busy. Keep in mind that if you are not working with the company you are working against the company. The boss doesn't want to pay someone for nothing, so you need to make sure that you are continuously working.&nbsp; <br />Third way to be resourceful is to lend a hand whenever needed. If you notice a co-worker getting deeper and deeper in procrastination then you need to step up and give them a prep talk, but you will also want to lend a helping hand. You will also find that when your day is going very slow, you'll still need to go around and let all know that you are more than willing to help out. You will want to make sure that you give others the chance to finish their work on their own, however, you just need to let them know that you are the fall back guy to turn to.&nbsp; <br />Fourth tip that you will need to keep in mind is that you will need to be reliable. You can't just punch in whenever you want to or take as many breaks as you want. You will need to set the standard that others will admire. You will need to make sure that you talk yourself out from the procrastination and you think every time you do something how it would look like to the boss. You have to be the example that everyone follows. That is the best way that you can be resourceful. You may not be able to help everyone with their projects, however, you will be able to help others focus on things like their work ethics, because you will be the perfect example.&nbsp; <br />The fifth and final tip on how to be more resourceful to be more promotable, you will find that it is about being a leader. You need to go to some of your co-workers and give them some motivation to press on with their tasks and work. You will be the one that encourages others to be better or to strive for a faster pace. You will find that there is a lot of things that you can encourage your co-workers to be better workers and that is what will make you a good leader.&nbsp; <br /></span>RON KISHhttps://plus.google.com/113031616157869880725[email protected]0tag:blogger.com,1999:blog-3644180252856526152.post-50095072711094197222014-12-18T19:00:00.000-06:002014-12-18T19:00:34.114-06:00Being promotable and making more money <span style="font-size: large;"><br /><br />Making more money by being more promotable is important. You need to be aware of the things that you are doing so that you are allowing yourself to become more efficient and happier in life.&nbsp; Being more promotable when you are talking about money is something that everyone wants to do.&nbsp; Doing well in life is one of them most productive things that you should be concerned with.&nbsp; However, it may take some time to make happen for you but you need to be persistent with what you do.&nbsp;&nbsp; <br /><br />Taking time to think about how you can make more money is always something good.&nbsp; Being productive in life is going to depend on what you do and how well you do it.&nbsp; Being more promotable is something to be proud of even if you are not sure how to do it. When this indeed happens, you need to learn how to make yourself more assertive in life.&nbsp; It is going to help you along and get you to be more promotable and successful in life. <br /><br />Dreaming of making money is something that we all do. We all want to make more money and do more in life than what we think.&nbsp; It is all part of how to be more promotable and how to benefit from the things that we do in life.&nbsp; If there is something that you have always wanted to do in life, you should make a plan to go do it.&nbsp; You are not going to get anywhere unless you motivate yourself to make it happen.&nbsp; <br /><br />Allow yourself to succeed.&nbsp; Do not be afraid of failure.&nbsp; You have to allow yourself to make decisions in life that will take you to the next level.&nbsp; You cannot sit back and just take whatever happens.&nbsp; You have to be responsible for yourself and make things work for you.&nbsp; Being more promotable is something that you should take pride in.&nbsp; When you are looking to make more money and have a better profit in life, you should be ready to take on the challenges that are thrown your way. Making more money is an exciting adventure that is going to be well worth the experience and most likely a great opportunity for you. <br /><br />Get excited about who you are. Figure out what you are going to want in life and how you should go about getting it.&nbsp; You are important and the only one that is going to worry about you is you.&nbsp; When you are serious about your job performance and making the money that you need you have to be ready for leaps and bounds that are going to happen.&nbsp; Do not get frustrated and be proud of what you do.&nbsp; <br /><br />If you want to work for yourself to make money you should go for it. You need to be more promotable so that you are able to get your business ideas out there and be ready to make a profit no matter what you are doing.&nbsp; In order to be successful, you have to be willing to go out there and make things happen.&nbsp; Figure out what you want to do in life and how you want to make your money.&nbsp; Be excited about what you are doing and does not let anything stand in your way of opportunity.&nbsp;&nbsp; <br /><br />If you are working for another company and you want to be more successful, you should think of ways to make your position work for you.&nbsp; You need to allow yourself the ability to make money and be promotable for a better career ahead of you. Learn what you need to know and make sure that you are taking advantage of opportunities that are going to benefit you better.&nbsp; Learn the trades of the company and know what you want.&nbsp; Figure out what is going to be in your best interest to make more money and do what you need to do.&nbsp; It is all about your goals and how much you want to invest in your future.&nbsp; It is going to be an exciting time and something that you should do to promote yourself into making more money.&nbsp;&nbsp; <br /><br /><br /></span>RON KISHhttps://plus.google.com/113031616157869880725[email protected]0tag:blogger.com,1999:blog-3644180252856526152.post-31242651208934429302014-12-15T08:46:00.000-06:002014-12-15T08:46:27.488-06:00Being Promotable to better you <span style="font-size: large;"><br /><br />There is nothing like getting better as you go.&nbsp;&nbsp; You should sit back and think about the things that you want to do to make your life better. What can you work on about yourself? Are you happy with the progress that your life has made and the way that you have turned out?&nbsp; If not, you may want to do something to make your life a little more promotable. <br /><br />Being promotable is something that you should work on all the time. You want to be open to new ideas and to express the way that you feel about something. Never be afraid to let your true emotions out and give your opinion.&nbsp; When you are honest with yourself and allow others to hear what you are saying, you are going to be in a better position to make things work out for you in the end.&nbsp;&nbsp; <br /><br />When you are trying to be more promotable, you need to think about your goals. What are you looking for in life?&nbsp; Do you even know the answer to this question?&nbsp; If you are trying to find yourself and be a better person in your personal and your business life, you should work on being more promotable to get certain goals done. <br /><br />Figure out your plan of action.&nbsp; Where do you want to be in a few years? Do you want to be successful and happy with what you have done so far?&nbsp; Of course, the answer to this is going to be yes.&nbsp; There are a few things that you will need to learn so that you can be more promotable so that you are achieving great success no matter what you are doing.&nbsp; It is important to be persistent and make your goals the top priority in your life.&nbsp; You should always want to achieve certain things no matter how hard it sounds. <br /><br />Put yourself out there. Let others know that you are there and willing to help. You want to be proud of who you are and what you are doing.&nbsp; Do not be afraid to make mistakes and think about what you can do to achieve certain goals and abilities.&nbsp; Figure out your plan and then carefully work it out so that it is going to fit your lifestyle the most.&nbsp; You need to make this work so that you are as promotable as possible and getting the recognition that you deserve. <br /><br />You are going to feel better when you are promoting yourself so that you are helping others and also helping yourself. You will notice that when you are more promotable you are allowing others to see who you are and get to know you. This is a great feeling because you are finding out more about yourself and others as well. It is a great opportunity and one that you should take advantage of any time you can.&nbsp;&nbsp; <br /><br />Find out ways that you can better promote yourself so that you are not wasting time. You can go to local events, business meetings, and even talk to others that may be able to help you be more promotable in anything that you do.&nbsp; It is going to be easy to find these great events so that you are putting yourself ahead of the game and making the most of what you do.&nbsp; Figure out a game plan so that you are not wasting time and you are doing all that you can to be successful. <br /><br />When you are a happier person, you are going to find it so much easier to be a successful one.&nbsp; Being promotable is one great resource to have and is something that you can feel more confident about no matter what you are doing.&nbsp; You are going to better yourself and have higher confidence and self esteem levels as well.&nbsp;&nbsp; <br /><br /></span>RON KISHhttps://plus.google.com/113031616157869880725[email protected]0tag:blogger.com,1999:blog-3644180252856526152.post-81970306316172693712014-12-11T18:54:00.001-06:002014-12-11T18:54:39.641-06:00Being more promotable to improve your position <span style="font-size: large;"><br />If you are looking to succeed and move your way up the ladder of success, you need to be able to use your promotable skills. We all have promotable skills that are going to work easier for us. You need to make sure that you are doing all that you can to make this go as easy as possible. You should work hard and be determined to be a better and stronger candidate for a promotion.&nbsp; <br /><br />Figure out what you can do to make it easier to get a promotion.&nbsp; You should work hard and do what you have to in order to be promotable.&nbsp; This means that you may have to work harder and stay a little longer each night but once you start to see it pay off for you, it is all going to be worth the struggle.&nbsp; All you have to do is figure out what you need to work on and what is going to get you the farthest in your goals. <br /><br />When you are trying to be successful in life, you will want to do something that is going to be easy and exciting for you.&nbsp; We all want to make a million just by doing nothing, but it is not going to work this way.&nbsp; We have to put all of our efforts into what we do so that we can be as happy and solid as possible and work our way through the chain of command.&nbsp; It is not impossible and all you need is some determination to make the promotable skills work great for you. <br /><br />You need to be accessible. This means that you should make yourself open to others when possible. If someone needs help, you should be the first one out there to lend a hand.&nbsp; If you are not sure of what you can do for someone, ask him or her or take it upon yourself to make an important decision and just do it.&nbsp; You want to be there to answer someone's questions and give him or her the advice that they are looking for so that they are better able to live life.&nbsp; You cannot be afraid to voice your opinion when it comes to something like being promotable.&nbsp;&nbsp; <br /><br />Offer your helping hand any time you can. Do not be afraid to help someone that is in need. You will find that you can make more friends and get farther in your position when you are trying to help someone with a problem or point them in the right direction.&nbsp; You should always think about the problem and then try to work out a solution that is going to make the problem easier for everyone.&nbsp; Do not be all excited and worked up over this ordeal. You should be able to find a reasonable solution that is going to make your promotable skills stand out. <br /><br />All you need to do is make sure that you are doing all that you can to bring your skills to the table when you are able to improve your position. You need to make sure that you are doing all that you can to use skills to make the most of your career or even any little things that you want to achieve in life.&nbsp; Think hard about what you can do to enhance your skills and use your promo table skills each day.&nbsp; <br /><br />Learning how to improve your skills is something that you should work on each day. You need to be sure that you are allowing yourself the ease of making your job faster and more reliable. Make sure that you are keeping yourself aware of everything that you are doing so that you can keep yourself open to new ideas and stay on track just as you should.&nbsp; It is going to be something that will be more exciting as you go because you are learning about the new things that give you the feeling of great accomplishment.&nbsp; This is a very good feeling and one that you can use in almost any situation.&nbsp; </span>RON KISHhttps://plus.google.com/113031616157869880725[email protected]0tag:blogger.com,1999:blog-3644180252856526152.post-83137872870036886362014-10-14T19:22:00.001-05:002014-10-17T16:27:26.889-05:00Susan Colantuono: The career advice you probably didn’t get<iframe allowfullscreen="" frameborder="0" height="270" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/JFQLvbVJVMg" width="480"></iframe><br /><br /><div class="yt-uix-button-panel" id="watch-description"><div id="watch-description-content"><div id="watch-description-clip"><div id="watch-uploader-info"><b class="watch-time-text">Published on Sep 30, 2014</b></div><div id="watch-description-text"><div id="eow-description">You’re doing everything right at <br />work, taking all the right advice, but you’re just not moving up. Why? <br />Susan Colantuono shares a simple, surprising piece of advice you might <br />not have heard before quite so plainly. This talk, while aimed at an <br />audience of women, has universal takeaways — for men and women, new <br />grads and midcareer workers.<br /><br />TEDTalks is a daily video podcast of<br />the best talks and performances from the TED Conference, where the <br />world's leading thinkers and doers give the talk of their lives in 18 <br />minutes (or less). Look for talks on Technology, Entertainment and <br />Design -- plus science, business, global issues, the arts and much more.<br />Find closed captions and translated subtitles in many languages at <a class="yt-uix-redirect-link" dir="ltr" href="http://www.ted.com/translate" rel="nofollow" target="_blank" title="http://www.ted.com/translate">http://www.ted.com/translate</a><br /><br />Follow TED news on Twitter: <a class="yt-uix-redirect-link" data-redirect-href-updated="true" dir="ltr" href="https://www.youtube.com/redirect?q=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.twitter.com%2Ftednews&amp;redir_token=qpAFsYM2cWyL3yeNjT7XVyKHC_V8MTQxMzQxODc1NkAxNDEzMzMyMzU2" rel="nofollow" target="_blank" title="http://www.twitter.com/tednews">http://www.twitter.com/tednews</a><br />Like TED on Facebook: <a class="yt-uix-redirect-link" dir="ltr" href="https://www.facebook.com/TED" rel="nofollow" target="_blank" title="https://www.facebook.com/TED">https://www.facebook.com/TED</a><br /><br />Subscribe to our channel: <a class="yt-uix-redirect-link" dir="ltr" href="http://www.youtube.com/user/TEDtalksDirector" rel="nofollow" target="_blank" title="http://www.youtube.com/user/TEDtalksDirector">http://www.youtube.com/user/TEDtalksD...</a></div></div><div id="watch-description-extras"><ul class="watch-extras-section"><li class="watch-meta-item yt-uix-expander-body"><br /> <h4 class="title"> Category<br /> </h4><ul class="content watch-info-tag-list"><li><a class=" yt-uix-sessionlink spf-link " data-sessionlink="ei=hL09VPrEJ4-BqgWygYGYCg" href="https://www.youtube.com/science">Science &amp; Technology</a></li></ul></li><li class="watch-meta-item yt-uix-expander-body"><br /> <h4 class="title"> License<br /> </h4><ul class="content watch-info-tag-list"><li>Standard YouTube License</li></ul></li></ul></div></div></div></div>RON KISHhttps://plus.google.com/113031616157869880725[email protected]0tag:blogger.com,1999:blog-3644180252856526152.post-44367826009151486862014-10-07T20:57:00.001-05:002014-10-14T19:25:24.917-05:00How to Get a Promotion Without Having to Ask for One <span style="font-size: large;"><br /><br />Are you interested in advancing within your company?&nbsp; If you are, your first thought may be to ask for a promotion.&nbsp; Of course, it is more than possible for you to ask for a promotion, but do you know that they are not always well received?&nbsp; For that reason, you may want to consider holding off on asking for a promotion.&nbsp; Instead, you may want to take steps to get yourself noticed at work, in a good way.&nbsp; In fact, you may even find yourself being presented with a promotion, without you ever having to ask for one yourself. <br /><br />As nice as it is to hear that you may be able to get a promotion without ever having to ask for one, you may be unsure as to how you can go about doing so.&nbsp; A few of the many steps that you can take to help you get a promotion are outlined below.&nbsp; With that in mind, it is important to remember that there are no guarantees.&nbsp; With some companies and supervisors you can, literally, be the hardest worker in the world and still never see a promotion in your life.&nbsp; Although there are no guarantees when trying to acquire a promotion yourself, it is important to remember that you have nothing to lose. <br /><br />One of the many ways that you can help increase your chances of getting a promotion is by taking the time to help out your other coworkers, especially when they may be having any complications or problems with a particular task.&nbsp; Extending a hand is a great way to get yourself noticed.&nbsp; If you are interested in receiving a promotion, it is likely that you would like to be in management.&nbsp; Managers are not only required to develop project task lists for their team members, but they are also supposed to offer guidance and assistance when needed.&nbsp; Should you take the time to offer that same guidance and assistance to your coworkers, you are more likely to find yourself being noticed by your supervisors. <br /><br />Another way that you can work to improve your chances of receiving a promotion, without having to ask for one, is by taking part in any optional meetings. These meetings may include in person meetings, video meetings online, or business conference calls on the telephone.&nbsp; Even if your attendance is not required, but is allowed, you will want to participate in these events.&nbsp; Even if you choose not to speak a word, your in person attendance will likely be noticed. The information that you learn about your company in these types of business meetings may also help to improve your chances of receiving a promotion, as you may retain knowledge that other employees are currently unaware of or unconcerned about. <br /><br />You can also improve your chances of receiving a promotion, without having to inquire about one yourself, by offering to work as much as possible.&nbsp; This extra step is one that you may want to take; however, you should consider your current social and family life as well. If you are able to work extended hours, work on weekends, be on call, or log in as many overtime hours as possible, you may want to consider doing so.&nbsp; Your presence in the office after hours will likely be noticed and taken into consideration when it comes time to hand out promotions. <br /><br />Another one of the many steps that you may want to take, to help improve your&nbsp; chances of getting a promotion without having to ask for one is offering to volunteer for any activities that may be associated with work, but not necessarily for work.&nbsp; This best example of this is by volunteering to play on your company’s softball or volleyball team.&nbsp; This simple action not only allows you to have fun and possibly make new friends, but it also gives you ability to say that you “fully,” support your company.&nbsp; Volunteering for something that is associated with your company, without any pay, typically creates a good impression. <br /><br />The above mentioned steps are just a few of the many ways that you can go about trying to get a promotion without having to ask for one.&nbsp; In the end, if all else fails, you may want to consider examining your other options, such as inquiring about a promotion or seeking employment elsewhere. <br /><br />Ron Kish</span>RON KISHhttps://plus.google.com/113031616157869880725[email protected]0tag:blogger.com,1999:blog-3644180252856526152.post-46086419079452061492014-09-29T00:06:00.001-05:002014-09-29T00:06:10.689-05:00How to Ask Your Employer About Working from Home <span style="font-size: large;"><br /><br />Do you love your job, but just not the people in which you work with or the workplace setting in general?&nbsp; If your answer is yes, you may want to think about asking your employer if you can work from home.&nbsp; Even if working from home is an idea that you do not feel your employer will support, you may still want to give it a try.&nbsp; After all, inquiring shouldn’t cause any harm <br /><br />Before outlining how you can go about asking your supervisor if you can work from home, it is important to make sure that it would even be possible for you to do so.&nbsp; This requires examining a number of different points. First, you will want to examine if it is even possible for you to work from home.&nbsp; Can you complete all of your tasks and duties from home?&nbsp; You will want to make sure that your job is something that you can even do from home. For instance, if you are a company greeter and your job involves greeting and directing all clients to the right department, you will likely be unable to perform your required tasks at home. <br /><br />Secondly, you will want to examine if you have the equipment needed to work from home.&nbsp; The equipment that you will need to work from home will all depend on your company, as well as your job tasks.&nbsp; Although there will be some variances, you will likely need to have a business phone, business phone service, a copy machine, fax machine, a computer, and possibly even high speed internet.&nbsp; If you do not already have these items in your possession, you will need to examine the cost of purchasing them. <br /><br />Thirdly, you will want to examine your ability to work from home. As nice as it is to be able to work from home, you should know that working from home isn’t right for everyone.&nbsp; You will want to make sure that you are able to stay focused and stay on task without supervision from your boss.&nbsp; If you cannot do so or if you are unsure if you will have a problem, you may want to reconsider working from home.&nbsp; Saying that you are more than capable of working from home, when you are actually not, can have dire consequences.&nbsp; You may end up putting your job, as well as your good name in jeopardy. <br /><br />If, after considering the above mentioned points, you think that you would be a good work at home candidate, you will want to work on your approach.&nbsp; You will not want to ask your supervisor about working from home on an impulse.&nbsp; You will want to carefully plan out your approach.&nbsp; You want to so in a professional matter.&nbsp; You should ask about working from home in a formal meeting that you have set up. Try and avoid asking your supervisor over the phone or in an email. <br /><br />Before your scheduled meeting is to take place, you will want to make sure that you have “all of your bases covered.”&nbsp; You will want to create a pros and cons list that you can use to outline both the advantages and disadvantages of working from home.&nbsp; You should also have a good reason as to why you, in particular, want to work from home, as your employer will likely ask.&nbsp;&nbsp; <br /><br />When asking your supervisor about the possibility of working from home, you will want and need to sell yourself.&nbsp; That is why it is advised that you create a pros and cons list.&nbsp; You will also want to prepare for this meeting with practice.&nbsp; See if any of your friends or family members would like to play the role of your boss in mock meeting.&nbsp; Practicing your approach may help to ease any nervousness that you may have. <br /><br />Ron Kish</span>RON KISHhttps://plus.google.com/113031616157869880725[email protected]0tag:blogger.com,1999:blog-3644180252856526152.post-22758181448636680852014-09-28T09:02:00.000-05:002014-09-28T09:02:20.850-05:00Finding a New Job: How to Use Career Training to Your Advantage <span style="font-size: large;"><br /><br />Are you interested in changing careers or changing jobs?&nbsp; If you are, your first impulse may involve automatically quitting your current job and going right out and applying for new jobs.&nbsp; Of course, the decision is yours to make, but you may want to refrain from taking this approach, as there are no guarantees. Instead, you may want to take the time to find the perfect jobs to apply to, as well as use career training to your advantage. <br /><br />As you likely already know, career training comes in a number of different formats.&nbsp; In all honesty, career training typically caters to different careers.&nbsp; For instance, if you are looking for a career in healthcare, you may be required to attend medical school, even just to receive certification for nursing. On the other hand, if you are interested in working as a secretary, your career training may involve courses that teach typing or office management skills. Although career training comes in a number of different formats, it can dramatically improve your chances of successfully changing careers or jobs.&nbsp; <br /><br />As previously stated, career training courses come in a number of different formats. With that in mind, career training, no matter what classes or courses you take, is designed to help educate you on one particular career field, such as nursing, accounting, or office management.&nbsp; Although career training courses can vary greatly, you often walk away with a large amount of skill and knowledge. In fact, depending on the career courses or classes that you take, you may be able to walk away with a degree or a certificate of completion. These are documents that you can give all prospective employers access to for verification of your training, knowledge, and skills. <br /><br />One of the many reasons why career training can assist you when you are looking to change careers or even just jobs is because it can help you stand apart from your competition. Although career training is still popular today, not as many job seekers take advantage of it. This means that you can really use career training to your advantage. For instance, if you are interested in applying for a job as a secretary, you can take a few office management classes, typing classes, or computer software classes before you start applying for new jobs. By taking this approach, your job training is new and fresh. This not only gives you an advantage over those who do not have career training behind them, but it also gives you an advantage over those who received training a year or more ago. <br /><br />As ideal as it is to hear that career training can offer you assistance, when looking to change jobs or careers, you may be curious as to how you go about getting that training, especially if you are still currently employed.&nbsp; Career training is offered through a number of different centers, which are commonly referred to as career centers or vocational training centers. You may also be able to receive career training at your local community college.&nbsp; What is nice about many of these establishments is that they offer affordable and flexible training classes and courses.&nbsp; In fact, you will likely find that a good percentage of career training classes are taught at night or on the weekend. This is what essentially enables to you receive career training while still holding down your current job. <br /><br />As outlined above, it is relatively easy for you to go about enrolling yourself in career training courses, for a wide variety of different career fields.&nbsp; There are also a number of benefits to doing so. Of course, the decision as to whether or not you want to use career training to your advantage is your decision to make, but if you are serious about changing jobs or changing careers, it is something that you should seriously consider.&nbsp; In all honesty, what do you have to lose by at least examining all of your options first? <br /><br />Ron Kish</span>RON KISHhttps://plus.google.com/113031616157869880725[email protected]0tag:blogger.com,1999:blog-3644180252856526152.post-1784146770820557882014-09-23T18:22:00.000-05:002014-09-23T18:22:22.527-05:00Do You Need a New Job? Signs That You May <br /><br /><span style="font-size: large;">Would you like to change jobs or change the path of your career?&nbsp; If you would, you are definitely not alone.&nbsp; In the United States, millions of Americans wish that they could be working for another company or even working for themselves. Although many Americans wish that they could switch jobs, not everyone actually needs to. That is why you may be wondering if it is really in your best interest to find a new job.&nbsp; To get your answer, you will want to continue reading on. <br /><br />One of the many signs that you may want to consider looking for a new job is if you if regularly find yourself working overtime.&nbsp; Although a little bit of overtime here and there is okay, as it can be considered a part of the job, you should nott have to work overtime each and every single week or even everyday.&nbsp; It is also important to mention overtime pay.&nbsp; Do you receive time and a half or other compensation for your overtime hours?&nbsp; If you are in a salary position, you may be being taken advantage of.&nbsp; If you are putting in a ton of hours, but not receiving compensation for those hours, a new job may be in your best interest. <br /><br />Another one of the many signs that you may want to consider searching for a new job is if you find it difficult to get time off from work.&nbsp; Of course, when examining time off, it is important that you do not take advantage of the situation.&nbsp; Regularly requesting time off from work because you “just don’t feel like working,” is not acceptable. With that in mind, if you need to take time off for medical illnesses or a family emergency, you should be granted that time off. Work is important, but you shouldn’t be asked to compromise the health of you or your family for it.&nbsp; If you are being asked to do so, you may want to consider finding a new job. <br /><br />The inability to move up the company ladder is another sign that you may want to think about finding a new job.&nbsp; If you are interested in advancing in your company or have been trying to do so for some time now, but unsuccessfully, you may want to consider seeking employment elsewhere.&nbsp; In today’s society, there are some situations where you can work as hard as possible and never receive a praise for your hard work, see a pay raise, or see a promotion.&nbsp; You will want to try and avoid or get out of these types of situations at all costs. <br /><br />Speaking of money, if you aren’t making enough money to support yourself or your family, you may want to consider searching for a new job. With that in mind, if your only choice is to make more money, you may want to first consider speaking with your supervisors.&nbsp; It would no’t do any harm, especially if you are already interested in leaving the company, to ask for a pay raise. If you are able to see an increase in pay, you may want to consider staying at your current job. <br /><br />In keeping with money, you will also want to examine the commute that you must make to and from your current job.&nbsp; If you have a long expensive commute, it may be within your best interest to at least search for a new job.&nbsp; Unfortunately, when accepting a new job, many individuals do not consider the commute to and from work.&nbsp; If you are not careful, you may find yourself spending a large percentage of your time on the road or a large percentage of your income on gas.&nbsp; If you are currently doing so, you may want to seek employment closer to home. <br /><br />The above mentioned signs are just a few of the many signs that you may want to consider seeking employment elsewhere. To be honest, you really do not need a reason to quit your job.&nbsp; With that in mind, should you wish to do so, it is advised that you use your best judgement.&nbsp; This involves not quitting on impulse or without a solid plan in place. <br /><br />Ron Kish</span>RON KISHhttps://plus.google.com/113031616157869880725[email protected]0tag:blogger.com,1999:blog-3644180252856526152.post-59659360938684468152014-09-05T20:06:00.001-05:002014-09-05T20:06:52.799-05:00Asked to Relocate? Questions You Should Ask Your Employer <br /><br />Have you recently been asked by your employer to relocate?&nbsp; If you have, you are facing a decision that more individuals are finding themselves faced with each year.&nbsp; With many companies finding it difficult to financially survive in high cost living areas, many are choosing to relocate to areas where it is cheaper to operate a business.&nbsp; If you find yourself being asked to relocate, there are a number of important questions that you should ask your employer before officially making your decision. <br /><br />One of the many questions that you will want to ask your employer, if you have been asked to relocate, concerns the pay.&nbsp; As previously stated, many companies are choosing to relocate to areas where it is cheaper to operate a business.&nbsp; This often involves lower pay for employees.&nbsp; That is why it is important that you determine what your pay will be. As a current employee, you should not be asked to take a reduction in pay, but there are no guarantees.&nbsp;&nbsp; <br /><br />Another question that you will want to ask your current employer, if you are asked to relocate, involves your current position.&nbsp; Are you working in management or do you hold another high position?&nbsp; If you do, it is important that you determine if your position will stay the same or increase.&nbsp; Relocating at the urging of your employer should not mean that you receive a reduction in status or a reduction in salary, but, as previously stated, there are no guarantees.&nbsp; That is why it is important that you make sure you find out as much as you can about your new position before you officially decide to uproot your life or the life of your family. <br /><br />In addition to asking about keeping your current position, should you decide to relocate for your job, you will also want to inquire about your expected duties. As previously stated, many companies use relocation as a way to save money.&nbsp; This may also involve eliminating positions and having the remaining employees carry a larger workload.&nbsp; If you would be expected to perform more duties, you may want to negotiate yourself a higher salary, but the decision is yours to make.&nbsp; As a reminder, these are all questions that you should ask before you make the decision to relocate for your job or not. <br /><br />Another one of the many questions that you will want to ask your employer, should you be asked to relocate for your job, concerns relocation expenses.&nbsp; If you are not given a relocation option, you may want to find out if your employer will cover the cost of relocating for you or your family.&nbsp; This financial assistance may not be great, but it may be enough to help cover your travel expenses or the costs of hiring a moving company.&nbsp; Most employers will notify you upfront if they plan on assisting you with the cost of relocating, but, if not, it would not hurt to ask. <br /><br />In addition to asking your employer the above mentioned questions, you may also want to take the time to learn as much about your relocation destination as possible.&nbsp; You will want to focus on points such as the current real estate market and crime.&nbsp; If you have children, you will want to examine the local school districts.&nbsp; If you have a spouse, you may want to examine the current job outlook, to see if they would be able to find employment in the area, and so forth. <br /><br />Ron KishRON KISHhttps://plus.google.com/113031616157869880725[email protected]0tag:blogger.com,1999:blog-3644180252856526152.post-8205643606504230582014-09-02T20:03:00.001-05:002014-09-02T20:09:04.789-05:00Are You Working a Dead-End Job? Signs That You May Be <br /><b><br /></b><span style="font-size: large;"><b>Have you ever felt like you are working at a dead-end job?&nbsp; If you think that you are, you are definitely not alone.&nbsp; With that in mind, just because you think that you may be working a dead-end job, it does no’t necessarily mean that you are.&nbsp; However, if you would like a little bit of proof or verification, you may want to continue reading on. </b></span><br /><span style="font-size: large;"><b><br /></b></span><span style="font-size: large;"><b>One of the many signs that you may be working a dead-end job is if you find yourself in the same position, for years and years.&nbsp; If you were hired with the intention of no advancement, your current position may be fine for you. With that in mind, if you have goals and have yet to see those goals accomplished, it may be a sign of a dead-end job.&nbsp; You should never have your work go unrewarded, especially if you were employed by the same company for years. </b></span><br /><span style="font-size: large;"><b><br /></b></span><span style="font-size: large;"><b>Another sign that you may be working a dead-end job is if you have been working at the same pay level, also for a number of years.&nbsp; In fact, many employers automatically give their employees pay raises yearly or even quarterly.&nbsp; If you have been employed by the same company and for an extended period of time, you may be working a dead-end job.&nbsp; There is good news though, if your only issue is pay, you may be able to turn your dead-end job into a great job.&nbsp; You can do this by inquiring about a pay raise.&nbsp; Many employers expect this, especially after an extended period of time without a raise; therefore, you may have nothing to lose by at least asking. </b></span><br /><span style="font-size: large;"><b><br /></b></span><span style="font-size: large;"><b>The above mentioned signs are just a few of the signs that you may be working a dead-end job.&nbsp; As previously stated, however, it is important to remember that you don’t have to keep on working in what may be deemed as a dead-end job forever. There are a number of different steps that you can take to see success.&nbsp; One of those steps involves speaking to your supervisor or supervisors.&nbsp; This may involve asking for an increase in pay or asking for a promotion, should any positions be available.&nbsp; In today’s society, you will find that not all individuals want the responsibility of a promotion; therefore, you will want to let your supervisors know that you are not one of those individuals. </b></span><br /><span style="font-size: large;"><b><br /></b></span><span style="font-size: large;"><b>Another one of the many ways that you go about getting out of what you may refer to as a dead-end job is by creating a stir, but in a good way.&nbsp; Despite your possible frustration, you may want to consider giving your job, dead-end or not, a second chance. With that second chance though, you are urged to take action.&nbsp; Be sure to do good deeds in front of your supervisors, volunteer to work late or cover someone else’s shift in an emergency and so forth. As previously stated, your supervisors may mistakenly believe that you are currently satisfied with your job.&nbsp; You will want to show them that you want more and that you are capable of handling more. </b></span><br /><span style="font-size: large;"><b><br /></b></span><span style="font-size: large;"><b>Another option that you have, when looking to rid yourself of a dead-end job, is seeking employment elsewhere.&nbsp; If you have a family to support or bills that must be paid, you may only want to use seeking employment elsewhere as a last resort, but it is still a resort that you may want to examine. </b></span><br /><span style="font-size: large;"><b>Ron Kish</b></span>RON KISHhttps://plus.google.com/113031616157869880725[email protected]0tag:blogger.com,1999:blog-3644180252856526152.post-31921309330936809482014-08-07T18:26:00.001-05:002014-08-07T18:26:12.122-05:00Simon Sinek Why good leaders make you ?<iframe allowfullscreen="" frameborder="0" height="270" src="//www.youtube.com/embed/DXWVV1i9Jx8" width="480"></iframe>RON KISHhttps://plus.google.com/113031616157869880725[email protected]0tag:blogger.com,1999:blog-3644180252856526152.post-68687075241320734412014-07-13T00:33:00.001-05:002014-07-13T00:33:12.525-05:00Online Job Hunting Websites: Why You Should Post Your Resume <br /><b><br /><span style="font-size: large;">If you are looking for a new job or a new career, there is a good chance that you would turn to websites which are commonly referred to as online job hunting websites or career hunting websites.&nbsp; Two popular and well-known examples of these websites are CareerBuilder.com and Monster.com.&nbsp; What is nice about these online job hunting websites is that you can search through hundreds or even thousands of job listings for your area, but did you know that you can also do more than that?&nbsp;&nbsp; <br /><br />As it was previously mentioned, many career hunting or job hunting websites allow you to search through job listings in or around your area. This is often done by entering in your zip code and then a specific mile radius, which you would be willing to travel.&nbsp; You can even customize your searches a little bit more, to search for a certain type of job or a job in a specific industry, like medicine.&nbsp; Many career hunting or job hunting websites allow you to search through their listings without creating an account, but if you would like to apply for any of the job listings that you come across, you will need to register for an account. While different career hunting or job hunting websites vary, many are free to use.&nbsp;&nbsp; <br /><br />When applying for a job, through an online career hunting or job hunting website, the application process will all depend on the website in question. In most cases, you will be required to fill out a small form. That form may ask your full name, your address, your telephone number, as well as a little bit of information about your work experience and the education that you received.&nbsp; In addition to this information, which in a way resembles a standard job application, you will need to attach your resume.&nbsp; Many career hunting or job hunting websites allow you to upload your resume to their system or have you create a new one in their system.&nbsp; This resume is what will basically determine if you get an interview; therefore, it is important that you always make sure to attach a resume when applying for a job online, even if the employer in question only says that one is optional. <br /><br />Although it is advised that you attach a resume whenever applying for a job, especially online, there are many job hunting or career hunting websites that allow you to do more than that.&nbsp; For instance, many also allow you to post your resume online or make it searchable; searchable to employers who use the website in question.&nbsp; What does this mean for you?&nbsp; It means that you and your resume could get exposure without you having to do any work yourself. The simple uploading of your resume, the clicking of the searchable box, and you should be good to go.&nbsp; As a reminder, most career hunting or job hunting websites do not make your resume available to the general public, just the employers who use their services; therefore, you shouldn’t have to worry about your resume falling into the wrong hands. <br /><br />As previously stated, uploading your resume to a job hunting or career hunting website and making it searchable may be help you land a job or at least an interview with little or no work on your part.&nbsp; This is because many employers actually find it easier to search for the perfect candidates themselves, instead of having to go through hundreds or thousands of resumes and job applications, many from those whose are not even qualified for the job in question anyways. So, that is why it is important that you have your resume posted and made viewable by employers on career hunting or job hunting websites. You never really know who may come across your resume or what type of job they will offer you. <br /><br />As a reminder, most career hunting or job hunting websites allow you to use their services, as well as post your resume on their websites free of charge. That is all the more reason as to why you should make your resume available for viewing; you have nothing to lose by doing so.</span></b><br /><span style="font-size: large;"><b><br /></b></span><span style="font-size: large;"><b>Ron Kish</b></span>RON KISHhttps://plus.google.com/113031616157869880725[email protected]0tag:blogger.com,1999:blog-3644180252856526152.post-18677222631237734912014-03-02T09:51:00.000-06:002014-03-02T09:51:54.740-06:00Hired Form Letter<b>Thank you for hiring</b><br /><b><br /></b><br /><pre><b>Dear<br /><br />Thank you for giving me the opportunity to prove my<br />capabilities with your firm.<br /><br />I want to thank you for the expression of faith in<br />my abilities that you have exhibited by this gesture<br />and will certainly do my very best not to disappoint<br />you.<br /><br /></b></pre>RON KISHhttps://plus.google.com/113031616157869880725[email protected]0tag:blogger.com,1999:blog-3644180252856526152.post-91683133655134839952014-03-01T17:56:00.000-06:002014-03-01T17:56:54.174-06:00Interview Forms<b><br /></b><b>Request for Employment Interview</b><br /><b><br /></b><pre><b>Dear<br /><br /> [name of individual] recommended that I contact<br />you and request an interview.<br /><br />I have recently graduated from [college or university]<br />with a degree in [state degree] I am very interested in<br />[state area] and would appreciate having the opportunity<br />to discuss any openings you may have in this area.<br /><br />I have enclosed my resume for your review and will look<br />forward to meeting you.<br /><br />Thank you for your consideration.&nbsp;</b></pre><pre><b>&nbsp;</b></pre><pre><b>&nbsp;</b></pre><pre><b>&nbsp;</b></pre><pre><b>&nbsp;</b></pre><pre><b>Thank You For Interview</b></pre><pre><b>&nbsp;</b></pre><pre><b>&nbsp;<br />Dear<br /><br />Thank you for the time and consideration you extended to<br />me during my interview with you yesterday.<br /><br />I appreciate having had the opportunity to speak with you<br />about my experience in related fields and my future goals.<br /><br />I shall look forward to hearing from you and wish to thank<br />you again for your courtesy.<br /><br /></b></pre>RON KISHhttps://plus.google.com/113031616157869880725[email protected]0tag:blogger.com,1999:blog-3644180252856526152.post-45835202351885433512013-10-05T00:34:00.001-05:002014-02-22T04:59:40.816-06:00Don’t be Late for an Interview <div class="separator" style="clear: both; text-align: center;"><b><a href="http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-uhsTHL4pINI/Uk-elA_WWuI/AAAAAAAAAgA/mN2SEtvJkuw/s1600/images6.jpeg" imageanchor="1" style="margin-left: 1em; margin-right: 1em;"><img border="0" src="http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-uhsTHL4pINI/Uk-elA_WWuI/AAAAAAAAAgA/mN2SEtvJkuw/s1600/images6.jpeg" /></a></b></div><b>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Ok! Lets get this right before the interview</b><br /><a href="http://www.trainpetdog.com/h/jr11550jr/">Dog Training</a><b>&nbsp;</b><br /><br /><b>&nbsp;Don’t be Late for an Interview <br /><br />This may seem obvious, but it happens way too often.&nbsp; No matter the reason, there is no <br />excuse for it (besides an injury or family emergency and then kudos for you for showing <br />up).&nbsp; Getting lost, bad traffic, or losing track of time doesn'’t matter to an interviewer.&nbsp; <br />They are taking time away from their primary duties to sit down with you to try and give <br />you a job.&nbsp; It is rude and disrespectful to not show up on time. <br /><br />Here are a few tips to ensure this doesn'’t happen: <br /><br />*&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;Do a dry run.&nbsp; If you are going to a city or a part of the city you are not familiar <br />with drive there a few days before.&nbsp; Ideally you will do it during a week day at a <br />similar time to your interview time to gauge the amount of time it takes to get <br />there. <br />*&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;Leave early.&nbsp; Not just 15 minutes early, you can plan to arrive 30-60 minutes <br />before your interview time.&nbsp; Don’'t go into the building though.&nbsp; Get into the area, <br />find a coffee shop and relax while reading the paper or reviewing your resume.&nbsp; <br />Not only will this ensure that you are on time it also gives you time to relax and <br />calm yourself before walking into the building. <br />*&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;Pay for parking.&nbsp; Don’t circle the block 12 times looking for cheap parking on the <br />street.&nbsp; Pay the money to park in a parking garage.&nbsp; You do not want to waste <br />valuable time looking for parking and start to stress yourself at the same time. <br /><br />If you are running late (but really, you shouldn'’t be), make sure you call.&nbsp; The <br />interviewer may not have time to complete the interview if you are running late and you <br />will save both of you the time if you let them know.&nbsp; You can try and salvage the problem by trying to book another appointment right away.&nbsp; And if you are lucky enough to <br />get a second chance, follow the tips above to arrive not only on time, but early.</b><br /><br /><b>Ron Kish </b><br /><br /><b>&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; <a href="http://www.trainpetdog.com/Patterdale-Terrier/index1.php?page=puppymembers&amp;a=&amp;src=em0" id="yui_3_7_2_1_1380950025583_1727" rel="nofollow" target="_blank" title="http://www.trainpetdog.com/Patterdale-Terrier/index1.php?page=puppymembers&amp;a=&amp;src=em0"><br /></a></b>RON KISHhttps://plus.google.com/113031616157869880725[email protected]0tag:blogger.com,1999:blog-3644180252856526152.post-66087190124560633432013-09-16T20:09:00.000-05:002014-05-25T23:57:21.378-05:00Be Confident in a Job Interview <div class="separator" style="clear: both; text-align: center;"><br /></div><b></b><br /><b>Who isn'’t nervous during a job interview?&nbsp; Even the most self-assured candidate is going&nbsp; <br />to have a moment or two of self-doubt.&nbsp; But the trick is to keep this to yourself and&nbsp; <br />portray an image of confidence.&nbsp; This is what a potential employer wants to see if you are&nbsp; <br />not confident in your own abilities why should they be.&nbsp; Here are a few ways to exude&nbsp; <br />confidence.&nbsp;</b><br /><b><br /></b><b><b>Step 1</b></b><br /><br /><b>Make eye contact, nothing is more of a dead give away of poor self-confidence than a&nbsp; <br />person that will not look someone in the eye.&nbsp; Walk up to your interviewer, extend your&nbsp; <br />hand and look in them in the eye when you greet them and express your pleasure of&nbsp; <br />meeting them.&nbsp; And don’t beat around the bush when you are talking.&nbsp; Saying thinks like,&nbsp; <br />“Well, I kind of helped with a project but I didn’'t run it myself,” screams I do not think I&nbsp; <br />am worthy of this position.&nbsp; Instead, say this, “I assisted in a very successful project and&nbsp; <br />played a key role in bringing it to completion.”&nbsp; Your role in the project may not have&nbsp; <br />changed the perception the interviewer has of you has.&nbsp;</b><br /><b><br /></b><b><b>Step 2</b></b><br /><br /><b>If you haven’t been on very many interviews or it has been some time since you last&nbsp; <br />attended one, it is understandable to be nervous.&nbsp; The more interviews you complete, the&nbsp; <br />more confidence you will gain in your abilities to sell yourself.&nbsp; And you have to&nbsp; <br />remember that if you were not qualified you would not have gotten the interview in the&nbsp; <br />first place.&nbsp; Use that knowledge to your advantage and instill confidence in yourself.&nbsp; As&nbsp; <br />a back-up measure, get some friends or family members to remind you of all of your&nbsp; <br />great traits and what makes you special – an ego boost before an interview can certainly&nbsp; <br />boost your confidence level.</b><br /><br /><b>Ron Kish</b><br /><br />RON KISHhttps://plus.google.com/113031616157869880725[email protected]0tag:blogger.com,1999:blog-3644180252856526152.post-38388735060005911502013-09-06T21:00:00.000-05:002014-02-22T05:24:07.382-06:00How to Answer the Tough Interview Questions<div class="separator" style="clear: both; text-align: center;"><b><object class="BLOGGER-youtube-video" classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" codebase="http://download.macromedia.com/pub/shockwave/cabs/flash/swflash.cab#version=6,0,40,0" data-thumbnail-src="http://img.youtube.com/vi/I2IDGXX5-YY/0.jpg" height="266" width="320"><param name="movie" value="http://youtube.googleapis.com/v/I2IDGXX5-YY&source=uds" /><param name="bgcolor" value="#FFFFFF" /><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true" /><embed width="320" height="266" src="http://youtube.googleapis.com/v/I2IDGXX5-YY&source=uds" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true"></embed></object></b></div><b><br /></b> <br /><div id="watch-description-text"><div id="eow-description"><b>Here are the top 10 job interview questions along with tips on how to answer them. For the free "Perfect Job Interview Answers" report, click here: <a class="yt-uix-redirect-link" dir="ltr" href="http://interviewmastersystem.com/how-to-give-perfect-interview-answers/?utm_source=top10descrip&amp;utm_medium=youtube&amp;utm_campaign=youtube" rel="nofollow" target="_blank" title="http://interviewmastersystem.com/how-to-give-perfect-interview-answers/?utm_source=top10descrip&amp;utm_medium=youtube&amp;utm_campaign=youtube">http://interviewmastersystem.com/how-...</a><br /><br />This video provides a great way for you to prepare for your upcoming interview. Jeff and Mike discuss each of the top 10 interview questions and provide valuable tips to answering them perfectly. By brushing up on common interview questions and answers beforehand you not only prepare yourself for how to answer you'll eliminate a lot of the nerves interviewees commonly have to deal with.<br /><br />Here's a look at the questions covered in the video. (Although be sure to watch the video to the end! You can watch our fancy animation skills and get a gift at the end ;-) <a class="yt-uix-redirect-link" dir="ltr" href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I2IDGXX5-YY" rel="nofollow" target="_blank" title="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I2IDGXX5-YY">https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I2IDG...</a><br /><br />1. tell me about yourself (Be work specific and recount a brief success story from a past work experience that highlights a couple of your strengths. Try and pick strengths that ate in line with exactly is called for in that position)<br /><br />2. why should we hire you? (Be specific and highlight a strength that is perfectly in line with what the company or organization is specifically looking for)<br /><br />3. what is your greatest strength (Be specific and tell a brief work related example of you exhibiting that strength. Again pick an example and a strength that is based on your knowledge of what they're looking for)<br /><br />4. what is your greatest weakness? (specific steps taken to handle them. Avoid mentioning any weakness that could affect the specific job opening)<br /><br />5. Why do you want to work here? (Be specific and mention aspects of the company or organization that you admire and show how your strengths and abilities make you a perfect fit)<br /><br />6. why did you leave your last job? (If it was because you left voluntarily then reference a specific characteristic that the company you are interviewing for has that you are attracted to. one that your previous employer didnt have. If you were let go, be honest and explain the situation and own it. Explain what you learned from the experience, because the interviewer knows you're human, you make mistakes, and just wants to see that you were able to do something about it)<br /><br />7. what is your greatest accomplishment? (be specific and talk about a past work accomplishment. Make sure you pick an accomplishment that shows how valuable you will be in the position you are interviewing for)<br /><br />8. Describe a difficult work situation and what you did to overcome it... (Again the key is to be specific. Bring up a past work situation that you handled well. Try and pick an example that shows you tackling a problem that could arise at the new company you're interviewing for. This shows your value)<br /><br />9. Where do you see yourself in 5 years? (Your answer should show that you are a person with direction and that you have goals. You should show that those goals include you advancing and thriving at the company or organization you're interviewing with. But don't over do it. If you are going for an entry-level job, don't say you plan to be CEO in 5 years. It will seem unrealistic and could take you out of the running...)<br /><br />10. Do you have any questions for me? (This is your time to make an impression and show your knowledge and passion for the company or organization you are interviewing for.<br /><br />If you want more help with these question get our new special report that explains our proven method to answering any interview question perfectly. This method allows you to zero in on exactly what the hiring manager is looking for and instantly transforms you into the perfect candidate. Click the link now:<br /><br /><a class="yt-uix-redirect-link" dir="ltr" href="http://interviewmastersystem.com/how-to-give-perfect-interview-answers/?utm_source=top10&amp;utm_medium=youtube&amp;utm_campaign=youtube" rel="nofollow" target="_blank" title="http://interviewmastersystem.com/how-to-give-perfect-interview-answers/?utm_source=top10&amp;utm_medium=youtube&amp;utm_campaign=youtube">http://interviewmastersystem.com/how-...</a></b></div></div><b> </b><br /><div id="watch-description-extras"><ul class="watch-extras-section"><li> <h4 class="title">Category </h4><div class="content"><div id="eow-category"><b><a href="https://www.youtube.com/education">Education</a></b></div></div></li><li> <h4 class="title">License</h4><div class="content"><div id="eow-reuse"><b>Standard YouTube License </b></div></div></li></ul></div><b> </b><b>Each interview has at least one, a question that you really don’t know the best way to <br />answer.&nbsp; It is the one that you agonize over for days and keep going over it and over it in <br />your head and you ask others how they would have answered.&nbsp; There is no way to avoid <br />these types of questions but you can answer them with confidence to give yourself peace <br />of mind until you get a call back.<br /><br />Do not feel that you have to answer immediately after you have been asked a question.&nbsp; <br />You are not on a game show where the fastest contestant to answer wins.&nbsp; Your <br />interviewers will appreciate that you have taken time to formulate your answer.&nbsp; If you <br />are concerned by a prolonged silence – don’t be, it is normal.&nbsp; If you have been asked a <br />question that you do not know exactly what to say, ask for a moment to think of an <br />appropriate answer.&nbsp; This is preferable to taking a long time to answer without explaining <br />what you are doing.<br /><br />If you really can’t think of an answer off of the top of your head, ask if you can come <br />back to the question in a moment – keep trying to think of an answer.&nbsp; Don’t think that if <br />you get to the end of the interview and you haven’t answered the question that you are off <br />of the hook.&nbsp; Even if your interviewer doesn’t ask again, it has not gone unnoticed that <br />you didn’t respond to a question.&nbsp; The best case scenario is for you to bring the topic back <br />to the question and answer it accordingly.&nbsp; Thank your interviewer for giving you the <br />extra time to come up with the right answer.&nbsp; <br /><br />If it is a lengthy question that is broken into parts, break it down into, don’t try and <br />answer it all at once – you can always ask for parts of the question to be repeated.</b><br /><br /><b>Ron Kish<br /><br /></b>RON KISHhttps://plus.google.com/113031616157869880725[email protected]0tag:blogger.com,1999:blog-3644180252856526152.post-48345656538631446432013-08-17T21:20:00.000-05:002014-02-22T05:27:54.844-06:00Tips On Job Interviews<div class="separator" style="clear: both; text-align: center;"><object class="BLOGGER-youtube-video" classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" codebase="http://download.macromedia.com/pub/shockwave/cabs/flash/swflash.cab#version=6,0,40,0" data-thumbnail-src="http://img.youtube.com/vi/pUx6L1Xf9E0/0.jpg" height="266" width="320"><param name="movie" value="http://youtube.googleapis.com/v/pUx6L1Xf9E0&source=uds" /><param name="bgcolor" value="#FFFFFF" /><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true" /><embed width="320" height="266" src="http://youtube.googleapis.com/v/pUx6L1Xf9E0&source=uds" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true"></embed></object></div><h1 class="yt" id="watch-headline-title"><span class="watch-title long-title yt-uix-expander-head" dir="ltr" id="eow-title" title="How to Win Job Interviews From an Interview Expert and Author">How to Win Job Interviews From an Interview Expert and Author </span></h1><div id="watch-description-text"><div id="eow-description">An expert presentation about how to <b>interview</b> and win <b>jobs</b> by a leading interview expert. This video has a number of easily implemented interview strategies that you can use immediately to win an interview and land your next <b>job</b>. It includes information about how to answer tough interview questions and turn the interview into a conversation.</div></div><div id="watch-description-extras"><ul class="watch-extras-section"><li> <h4 class="title">Category </h4><div class="content"><div id="eow-category"><a href="https://www.youtube.com/education">Education</a></div></div></li><li> <h4 class="title">License</h4><div class="content"><div id="eow-reuse">Standard YouTube License<br /></div></div></li></ul></div><b>Be Honest in Job Interviews <br /><br />There is a difference between telling a story highlighting the positive to make you sound&nbsp; <br />better and lying to the interviewer.&nbsp; It is rare for a company to not conduct reference&nbsp; <br />check these days so do not say anything that can not be verified by your boss or other&nbsp; <br />references that you provide. <br /><br />There are many ways to get into trouble during an interview and lying is the most severe.&nbsp;&nbsp; <br />Common fibs that are told include educational degrees that you do not hold, saying that&nbsp; <br />you are a manager when really you are a team lead and taking credit for a project that was&nbsp; <br />completed by a coworker.&nbsp; All of these things can make you sound good at the time of the&nbsp; <br />interview, but what if the interviewer talks to your boss about the stellar project you ran&nbsp; <br />for the company when it really was not you.&nbsp; Your boss is not going to lie for you and if&nbsp; <br />you were in the running for the job, you won’t be anymore. </b><br /><b><br />Tips on job interviews:<br />The best way to handle these scenarios is to tell the truth but put you in the best light.&nbsp;&nbsp; <br />Maybe you were a part of the project, instead tell the interviewer the part you played and&nbsp; <br />share the success of the project as a whole.&nbsp; An employee that can recognize and share in&nbsp; <br />the success in others is preferable to one who does not tell the truth or wants all of the&nbsp; <br />credit for themselves. <br /><br />This does not mean that you have to share all anything that does not put you in a positive&nbsp; <br />position though.&nbsp; The key is to be honest and only bring up examples that are going to&nbsp; <br />highlight your talents and work history in the best possible way.&nbsp; Don’t claim or state&nbsp; <br />anything that cannot be backed up by your references.</b><br /><b><br /></b><b>Ron Kish</b>RON KISHhttps://plus.google.com/113031616157869880725[email protected]0